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16.05.2024 18:37
Как Купить Амфетамин в Киеве? САЙТ - KOKS.TOP Где Купить Амфетамин Киев? САЙТ - KOKS.TOP 100% ДОСТАВКА ТОВАРА В РУКИ -

25.01.2023 18:45
Gibt es eine möglichkeit Rechte zu bekommen das ich in den channel von meinen freunden auch etwas in den chat unten posten kann?

20.09.2020 00:37
"Grüße vom Sky95"

16.09.2020 03:13
Na wer kann es Knacken LOL R3LDvMOfZSB2b20gU2

02.09.2020 13:13
Hi Smile

Licensed Teamspeak 3 Server (AAL)
Artikel » TeamSpeak 3 Client Changelog » Client Release 3.0.0-rc2 08 Jun 2011

Client Release 3.0.0-rc2 08 Jun 2011

+ Added feature or noticeable improvement
- Bug fix or something removed
* Changed or Information
! Important - Take note!

+ Added banner resize mode to virtualserver settings.
+ Channel context menu "unsubscribe from channel family" is available as soon
as any subchannel is subscribed.
+ "Set Avatar" now is disabled without permission.
+ Added package installer for easy plugins/styles/soundpacks etc. one-click
* Plugin authors note: requestChannelSubscribe and requestChannelUnsubscribe
now take an array of channelIDs as parameter instead of a single channelID.
* Exchanged default soundpack with male and female soundpacks.
* Added soundpack page to setup wizard to select one of male or female.
* Select and scroll to own client after connecting.
* Fixed switching a fullscreen game to desktop when client is minimized and
showing the "warn while muted", the "entering moderated channel", the
"force push-to-talk" or the "maximum amount of clients reached" dialog.
* Client and server log windows now save and restore log level checkbox states.
* Added "Debug" checkbox to control debug output in client log window.
* Added "Delete" to channel permission to set i_channel_needed_delete_power.
* Plugin API: Added returnCode parameter to sendPluginCommand
- Support for international domain names readded.
- Removed validation of input text from connection connect and bookmark
address field, so that every address can be used.
- Fixed possible crash in AppScanner plugin with Umlauts.
- Added a missing separator within an invitation.
- Moved rest of the sounds into soundpack for more customized handling.
- Fixed that poke dialog no longer opens when nickname was changed.
- Changed the Push-To-Talk tooltip lines which were displayed in wrong order.
- Fixed displaying port when connected via invitation.
- Fixed errordisplay when family subscriptions on channels fail.
- Fixed dropping images from filebrowser into channel description when
connected on multiple servers.
- Fixed context menu to copy offlinemessage text.
- Limited the last mentioned URLs in systemtray context menu to 10.
- Fixed that image-descriptions near avatar are sometimes written over the edge
- Image in channel description was broken when overwritten with same name.
- Fixed that offline messages throws a warning when recipient wasn't found on
the server.
- Don't save empty subscribed channels list when quickly disconnecting again
from a server, loosing the subscribed channels.
- Fixed problem when binding hotkeys while joysticks were active that "pressed"
a button constantly.
- Fixed that TeamSpeak does not start as a result of broken input device
drivers. If detected TeamSpeak will at least start without usable hotkeys.
- Fixed ts3server:// links being overwritten by autoconnect bookmarks when a
bookmark for the linked server already exists.
- Windows installer no longer allows installing the 64-bit client on 32-bit
operating systems.
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